House hunting highs and lows

Well this house has been keeping me awake at night. I went back for a second viewing today in the hope I would be able to let it go. The house is three times bigger than anything else I have looked at. And even though this house needs a lot of work done to it before you could move in – I would love the opportunity. But the banks will only give you money for renovations after you have completed the work. And that is not guaranteed even if you managed to raise the money.

Oh what I would do to this house. I had so many plans. Anyway time to move on. Bye my victorian heartbreaker.

Below are the four bedrooms upstairs – bottom right is the one I wanted to convert into a large bathroom with a fireplace.

And some shots of the stairs and the existing bathroom which could be turned into a small office if you were to move the bathroom.

  1. lornagd said:

    Oh, Mel, it’s gorgeous. What potential. Brings back memories for me – we bought about 4 houses that looked just like that (2 even had baths with lids over them in the kitchens and one only had an outside toilet). It’s not as much fun though if you’re working on it with zilch money and virtually camping in it. Gorgeous bay windows too – oooh. Not easy to move away from that 🙂

    • M said:

      I think perhaps I have watched too many episodes of Grand Designs where they make it look so romantic and only a little inconvient when the owners camp in a caravan outside there soon to be dream home. In some episodes the owners have camped outside for over a year – what determination!!!
      I wonder if I have the stamina??? Hmmm.

  2. zee said:

    WOW. I would swap my house for this one (even without renovations) in a heartbeat. Swoon. Whereabouts is it (if you don’t mind saying)?

  3. M said:

    hi zee – its on emmett road – number 94to be exact and is only 250K! But I must admit the photos do make the house look better than it is in the flesh. I should get a job taking pics for real estate agents. he he.

  4. Lorna said:

    Our second house needed a health warning, it stank. For the first week, we only ate in the car, Tesco’s cafe or the garden. I used disinfectant in the water to strip the wallpaper. WE put all our furniture into storage and literally camped in the house for 4 months with one bed, 2 garden chairs, makeshift table, fridge, freezer, microwave, electric wok and slow cooker – it was v grim! But for a house like that – definitely worth it if you can do the renovations during the summer and if you have friends you can stay with occasionally. We moved into ours the end of August and it became harder work as it moved into Nov. got the kitchen sink and dishwasher in on Xmas eve – a fab Xmas present 🙂
    By the time we renovated the house with the outside toilet and the bath in the kitchen, we were able to afford to stay living in our already-renovated house – just as well as I was pregnant then too!

  5. Sorry to see you were outbid, it would have been a lovely project.

    Good luck in finding another, I didn’t think that the market was strong, we have our house on the market since last Sept and we have only had one viewing.

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